The blog has been a part of the site from day 1. Before that, even, as the first post was actually a transfer from the old Operation: P.U.G. site, promoting The Oracle as coming soon and directing people to the new YouTube page for Operation: Puppet. Way back in the halcyon days of 2019.
It was infrequently updated as, like most others, most of my blog-like activity was on big social media platforms. Blogs were, for all intents and purposes, a dead end. Old news.
Skip ahead to 2022 and The Muskpocalypse. This gave many, myself included, the push we needed to get off predatory corporate social media. While I still maintain a presence on Instagram, my sole social outlets are now Mastodon and of course the O:P Discord server, and I couldn’t be happier. There has been a notable improvement in my mental health since leaving Twitter and Facebook, and it sincerely makes me sad so many are stuck in a Stockholm Syndrome with Musk’s ever-degrading trash fire. Lord Vetinari was right. “The people” don’t necessarily want a better tomorrow, they just want tomorrow to be the same as today.
Nevertheless, doing this blog was one of the ways of taking personal control of my social media output, and I’m pleased with how it’s gone. I know folks on Mastodon particularly have found O:P via the daily coffee blogs, and of course it gives our own dear Scarlet something to spell check, for which I am very grateful.
Yesterday on the Discord I wanted to refer to something I knew I blogged about, and there were so many posts (often with ambiguous titles) that I had to hunt around for the one I wanted (note to self: start using Tags). It was then I realized that the blog had grown into a rather sizable body of archival material, not just a daily throwaway post. Felt good.
I’m at the point now where I think I need to ease up on the pedal a bit. I always strive to favour quality over quantity in everything I do with O:P, and the blog is no different. As time progresses, I’m finding I’m occasionally repeating myself or referring back to older posts. And honestly some mornings I just don’t have anything at the tip of my brain. Sometimes I haven’t slept well or just need to get on with the day’s work. Some days are just days, y’know?
As a result, I’m moving the blog from a strict daily cadence to something more casual. I will blog when I have something to blog about. There is no shortage of topics and more coming all the time, but I’m taking the pressure off myself to try and get one out every single weekday. The end result will be a happier me, and a better blog. I suspect they’ll still be mostly daily, but I’m going to let the Brain Monkeys decide. By all means, hit me up if you have questions or something you’d like a blog post about. That always helps spur the Brain Monkeys.
And now the Brain Monkeys want one thing. I wonder what that might be?