Morning Coffee Blog: April, fools

April is going to be a weird month here in the puppet mines. Weirder than usual, that is. I’m actually going to be on vacation for part of it (first actual vacation since 2019) and with various long weekends and some mild dental torture today (don’t ask), I only have one full work week in the entire month.

That creates a bit of a problem for a small business that relies on steady output. I sat down on Saturday to do my usual build schedule for the month and tried to work out something that would allow for both all the time off and also get at least close to my usual build quota. I did it, and immediately regretted it. It was a bit hair-shirt and would probably result in generating more stress than the actual time off would compensate for.

I’m also feeling a wee bit of what I suppose could be described as “creator burnout” – nothing serious so don’t panic, but as a result I believe that I’m going to simply throw out the plans and wing it for April. Build what I want, when I can, and let natural momentum (or lack thereof) see where it takes me. Recharge the batteries a bit, which I believe is the whole point of a vacation.

There’s still plenty of puppety fun just out or coming. On Friday we released the latest episode of The Oracle featuring an old (un)familiar face. There will still be two episodes of Pixels and Puppets podcast out but to accommodate schedules we’ve just shifted them around a bit, so the next episode won’t be this weekend, it’ll be next. Perfect time to catch up on all SIX (actually seven) exciting episodes!

And there will be the usual Wednesday build streams (Wednesdays 11am ET on Twitch and YouTube). This week we will be starting a new build based on The Creature Works Studios new free pattern The Smally.  And of course pics of ongoing builds on all the socials and the usual gang of weirdos on the Discord.

And now the sun is up, it’s already THREE whole degrees and spring is in the air. Time for, that’s right, coffee.

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