Professional puppet builder and amateur puppet performer, podcaster, streamer and video maker. Loves Jazz, hats and cats.
The Oracle S03E01
Social Media Murray
S02E02: Arachno…
S02E01: Back From The Break
2023 Wrap-up. Stay small.
I wasn’t sure I was going to do one of these, as 2023 was very much a “let’s just get through it” sort of year. But today I’m feeling reflective, so let’s reflect:Going into 2023 I knew times were ……
The Oracle S02E11 – Fediverse
800 Subscribers!
Frankie Say: Trans Rights!
Pixels and Puppets Ep 19(ish)
The Pausecast
Morning Coffee Blog: Numbers
As a follow on from the last blog, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about where I should be focusing my efforts with O:P. Foremost as always is building for the shop. That’s my job, and the engine…
Morning Coffee Blog: Time
What? Another blog post? What year is this, etc.Been doing a lot of thinking over the last couple of months, specifically about the aforementioned “Phase II” stuff. Time to reassess.As we near the end of 2023, it’s good … Read…
Pixels and Puppets Ep 18
The Livecast