Dev Blog 34 — T-minus 7 Days

Shooting Day

After an intense bit of shooting and editing, I’m pleased to announce that The Oracle will be released on Feb 1st. It will launch with 3 episodes and then a new one will be added every 2 weeks(ish). Current plan is to release on the 1st and 15th of every month.

After some research I decided it would be in the show’s best interest to launch on it’s own channel, rather than the main O:P one. While the show isn’t *really* a kids’ show, it is definitely family-friendly and Safe For Work, and I want parents to feel they can let their kids watch it without concern. There is no swearing or off colour humor, and won’t be. Some of the older podcast and stream archives on the official O:P channel have some salty language, and YouTube does *not* like it when you have that kind of content on a kid-friendly channel.

The practical upshot of this is I’d like to invite *everyone* to head to this URL and subscribe: Click Here to Subscribe to The Oracle

I’m going to be pushing this a little more than I usually do on social media because I think there’s a chance for this show to get a decent sized audience and I’d love it if we could. If we can get to 100 subs then we become eligible for a custom YouTube URL which will just make sharing all that much easier.

So… Call To Action! Click Like and Subscribe! Tell your friends! Share on social media! The Oracle is coming in 1 week!

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