Hi, I’m Kevin. Welcome to the puppet mines.
It’s been a very weird couple of years, huh? All the more for me because after starting a little Etsy shop in late 2019, it’s now successful enough that building puppets is my full time job.
Operation: Puppet is more than just the Etsy store, of course. In fact it started as a YouTube channel, featuring my web series The Oracle. At first I started building because I couldn’t find exactly the puppets I wanted for the show, and then… well here we are.
Puppetry and puppet building have been a deep passion on mine since I was a child, and through O:P I’ve met many wonderful folks in the wider puppet sphere. While a niche hobby for sure, it’s much bigger than I ever expected and new people are coming into the field all the time.
I feel incredibly lucky that I’ve found a place in this community. It’s a rare and precious thing to be able to do something you love as your daily job, and I appreciate every moment. It’s hard work and I take it seriously, but it’s also a labour of love.
So here’s to the launch of the actual-for-real web site. I plan to do a regular blog about what I’m working on, both on the shop and The Oracle, plus thoughts about the wider puppetry world and various related musings. I don’t realistically expect too many folks will be all that interested, but if I’ve learned anything from being in the puppetry world, you don’t need a lot of people to make a very fulfilling and worthwhile thing.
Be sure to follow my social media links for notifications when something new is posted here.