
The Importance of Being Kermit

**please note, I do not sell replicas of copyrighted characters. This build is for my own private collection**

Ah yes. The frog.

Is there any more iconic puppet? Anyone who loves The Muppets, who grew up with the work … Read the rest

Live From The Puppet Mines?

So, live streams. 

Just shy of a year ago I started doing some puppet building live streams on Twitch pretty regularly. While I’ve streamed various things before, this was definitely the most viewership I ever had, sometimes with ten viewers … Read the rest

Welcome to The Puppet Mines

Hi, I’m Kevin. Welcome to the puppet mines.

It’s been a very weird couple of years, huh? All the more for me because after starting a little Etsy shop in late 2019, it’s now successful enough that building puppets is … Read the rest

Dev Blog 34 — T-minus 7 Days

After an intense bit of shooting and editing, I’m pleased to announce that The Oracle will be released on Feb 1st. It will launch with 3 episodes and then a new one will be added every 2 weeks(ish). Current plan … Read the rest

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